¡Vamos a Las Dunas!
Hello friends and family! This past week was filled with nothing but sun, excitement, and total relaxation. We went on our last group trip to Ica, a city about 4 hours away from Lima and stayed at Las Dunas Resort. Now, this was my first ever time staying at a resort, so you can only imagine my excitement.Isn't it absolutely gorgeous!? I couldn't get over the perfect view of the sand dunes that we had. Our previous trips were jam packed with different touristic excursions, but this trip only had one designated activity. This was a bit of a relief for us because we were actually able to relax and have some time to take in all of the beauty around us.
We arrived on Sunday afternoon and all enjoyed a fabulous meal. I had salmon and it was a-maz-ing. We then decided to check out some of the activities the resort had to offer. We decided to sign up to take a dune buggy through the sand dunes. I grew up with go-carts and four-wheelers, so I was stoked for this adventure! However, my 5 acres of land certainly did not compare to the vast hills of these sand dunes. I didn't know what to exactly expect, but I think it's safe to say my mind was blown!
After this mind-blowing adventure we headed back to the resort and enjoyed some cocktails and dessert! Me being the "wine connoisseur" I am, it only seemed natural to try out some of the resort's wines. ;) Luckily, Missy shares the same love for vino that I do, so I had a partner in crime to enjoy them with. (And now I'm pretty sure we have turned Adam and Finn into vino lovers as well :)) That night and the next night we played card games, danced, sang, and reminisced on our wonderful time here in Peru until the wee ours of the night. I'm so incredibly lucky to be able to experience this with such a great group of people!
Our planned excursion was to Las Islas Ballestas. We took a boat ride through the ocean to an island that had penguins, pelicans, sea lions, and dolphins. It was pretty amazing to see. We then did some souvenir shopping and headed back to the resort.
I had a wee-panic moment. But don't worry I survived.
The rest of the tripped was filled with pure relaxation! I got my March tan on and even got a massage, which was my second massage in one month. (Feelings of jealousy can be inserted here). However, now I am back in Lima and have to bite the bullet and face reality and get some homework done! My spanish has improved tremendously, but my oh my do we have quite the supply of homework. I guess I shouldn't complain considering I have no job or other obligations besides school :) Alright, this is all for now folks! The next few weeks will mainly be consumed of school, and trying to seep in as much as I possibly can of Lima since I have less than two months left here :( I hope you enjoyed the read, and aren't too jealous of my adventures hehehe :) Love and miss you all!